« Events Calendar/Monthly Planner Fully Updated!! | Main | Events Calendar/Monthly Planner Fully Updated!! »
By Graham Stubbles | November 2, 2018
As most of you are aware, we send out regular important MASC emails, up to 2 or 3 times per week. These contain all the latest information regarding ticket applications and other aspects of the club. These are sent to the email address you submitted on your MASC membership form.
At the moment however, we are receiving notices that some of your email addresses are refusing our updates. It seems the addresses are primarily those ending in either ‘gmail.com’ or ‘googlemail.com’.
There is NOTHING we can do about this at our end but you CAN.
Please make sure the following 2 email addresses are placed on your email ‘whitelist’. This will make sure our emails will not be refused by your server.
The advantage to you is all our regular updates will get through. And the advantage to us is we will not receive constant messages requesting information that is either available on this website or has already been provided in one of our updates!!!
So please do undertake the above if you have a gmail or googlemail address.
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