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Renewals Open for 2024/2025 Season

By Graham Stubbles | May 28, 2024

All who were members of MASC last season will have received an email from us by now inviting you to renew for the coming season. Please click on the join/renew link above to find the form.


Please remember we desperately need you to complete this form and get it back to us NO LATER than this coming Sunday 23rd June 2023 please.


Unfortunately, due to the fact we were massively oversubscribed for every single fixture last season, we feel it would be wrong to accept new members, take their fee and then not be in a position to offer tickets for any game across the season. So we will not be acceping new member applications for the coming season I’m afraid. Please refer back to this website during May/June/July 2025 for an update as to if that situation will change for the next season.

Topics: Last Man Standing |